Dear diary...or whatever it is you are,
I have joked about making a blog for a while. And actually attempted one a few years back. But now I think I’m ready to bite the bullet. I’m not doing this because I think anything I have to say has any value, but its because I’m about to set out on an incredible journey and I want to be able to document it; mostly for myself, but also a little bit for my husband, and maybe some family or friends will find it interesting. I don’t know.
So, why now? What the hell brought this on?
I leave 3 weeks from today to move to a small town in Switzerland for 4 months. I’m leaving my husband. My dogs. My house. My incredible friends and pretty decent family. And so much more.
So, why? Who the hell would do that?
I studied abroad in Cambridge as an undergrad and absolutely loved it. I learned so much about myself. And there is little I love more than traveling. And Josh knows how important Cambridge was in shaping who I am today. And how much I loved that experience.
When I started my second year of law school, he told me to apply for the study abroad program. All my friends were doing it. I didn’t have to commit. It was just an application. He said if they accepted me we would talk about whether or not I would go then. Well then I got accepted. And there was no conversation. He wouldn’t allow it. He said I had to go. He wasn’t going to hold me back. He wasn’t going to be the reason I didn’t do something incredible/amazing/so very me. In fact he told me if I didn’t go he would “leave me for someone less lame.” While he was obviously joking, it does speak to just how wonderful and selfless he is.
So for the last 9 months we have been saving and planning for me to become a student at the University of St. Gallen for the fall semester of 2011. And now its almost here.
And now its almost real.
And now I’m starting to freak out.
So, I’m going to write about.
It helps.
But first a couple of notes in case I do share this with other people:
I will write how I want, and it may not always be correct, but it works for me.
The reason for the title: I like to be barefoot. I’m in law school. Barefoot. Bar. But I’ve also been known to go to a bar barefoot in my life [but not recently]. It’s a nice little play on words. Isn’t that fun.
I make no promises about what I will write about. Mostly I think it will be a travel log. And occasionally about what I miss the most about home. But sometimes I may talk about current events. Or politics. Or ramblings about how pretty my dogs are. Or God knows what else. It’s my blog, get over it.