Sunday, September 25, 2011

Geography Lesson

I have another three months in St. Gallen. Depending on the moment this either seems like an eternity or an instant...I can't really decide. In that three months I plan to do a lot of traveling. Starting this week when I head to Munich for Oktoberfest. This post is to solicit suggestions of where I should go over these next few weeks, and also just to give you an idea of where I am on the continent.

So I am right on the edge of Switzerland. On a super clear day, you can easily see Germany and Austria, and someone once said Liechtenstein, but I'm not sure about that.

So...from St. Gallen to the other cities in Europe:


     As the Crow Flies: 40.5 miles
     Driving Distance: 53.5 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 98.7 miles

     Driving Distance: 126 miles 


     As the Crow Flies: 112 miles

     Driving Distance: 142 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 176.5 miles

     Driving Distance: 224 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 270.8 miles

     Driving Distance: 390 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 293.6 miles

     Driving Distance: 385 miles

     As the Crow Flies: 327.9 miles

     Driving Distance: 423 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 340.5 miles

     Driving Distance: 421 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 391.8 miles

     Driving Distance: 482 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 413.2 miles

     Driving Distance: 564 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 510.6 miles

     Driving Distance: 716 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 550.8 miles

     Driving Distance: 693 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 977.2 miles

     Driving Distance: 1257 miles


     As the Crow Flies: 1064.4 miles

     Driving Distance: 1552 miles

PS: I really hate the way this formatted, but I don't really know how to change it. And since the Saints game is on, I don't really have the time to figure it out. Sorry friends!! 

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