Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Somewhat-Hyperbolic Letter to Urban Meyer

Dear Urban Meyer:

So its official. I guess there is no turning back now. When this relationship started you used words like "dream job," "forever," and "last stop." But I guess that wasn't meant to be.

When it ended last year, that hurt. I was upset. But then Will came along and I have accepted his new role in my life; although these last two months that has been increasingly difficult [and I will never accept Charlie Weis. Its just not going to happen.].

But now its really over between us. You have a new love. Well, not really new. You are just returning to a life-long love. And I can respect that.

But you have to understand, Florida football is my life-long love. Its been a part of who I am for 26 years.

You were there when most needed. You helped after the horror that was Ron. So while I am happy for the times we had, this final acknowledgment that its over is still hard to swallow.

I can't say I wish you the best. Not yet. Thats like saying you want your ex-boyfriend to marry the first girl he dates after you break up.

I'm just not there yet. I woudn't say I'm angry- although I understand why some people are. I'm just not quite ready for this. With that being said, it still hurts to see Steve on the opposite sideline, so don't count on me coming around any time soon.

I recognize that football is technically only a game, and maybe I shouldn't care so much. But I do.

As always, It is Great to be a Florida Gator,


PS- If we play Ohio State in the Gator Bowl, as is predicted, I will cheer even more for an ass-whoopin' than usual, its the nature of the beast.

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