Sunday, November 13, 2011

When In Rome...[Day 1]

Sunday morning we leave Eric's dorm and head BACK to the train station to go to Rome, making a lot of deja vu and have we been here before jokes along the way.

It was a three and a half hour train ride.

So I finished The Art of Racing in the Rain and watched some Princess Bride [also, could I look more miserable here?]

I also spent a lot of time looking out the windows at the beauty that is the Italian countryside 

Eric liked looking at it too. This is also about the point that we decided we would one day own a house in Tuscany. So we emailed Josh to inform him. Our house will also definitely have olive trees. And be awesome. 

We made the trip even better buy enjoying some wine and espresso in the restaurant car [oh yeah, btw, I sometimes [occasionally] drink coffee. But only really, really good coffee. I'm not totally into the whole thing quite yet.]

So after we check into our awful hostel, what is the first thing we do? Go get kebabs of course!! 

From there we went to explore some of Rome

First, the Colosseum

You are probably asking yourself why I would post this awful pictures. Its blurry. And distance ruins any effect of the subject of the picture. But this is when I first saw the Colosseum. And this is when it really hit me that I was in Rome. And I kinda totally freaked out.

Now some good pictures 

The Arch of Constantine 

Next up, the Trevi Fountain

 It was ridiculously crowded. This will be a theme of our time there and we shall return to it.

Fountain! Super pretty. This picture doesn't at all do it justice. Sorry.

Our coins for our wishes! 

Fun travel buddies!

From there we went to buy a bottle of wine and and head to the Spanish Steps

 These two wanted to walk all the way to the top to look at the view. 

This was the view. 

So then we went about half-way down and hung out and talked and drank our bottle of wine. As we were about to leave, we decided we wanted another picture of the three of us. So we asked a couple coming up the stairs if they would take it. 

This is the picture the woman took. Of us and her damn husband. 

I mean seriously!! 

This is the picture I wanted!! 

Sooooo much better!!

From there it was dinner. And back to our crappy hostel to watch Princess Bride and drink more wine. 

All in all, a great few hours!!

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